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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

Items in stock: 7818
Last update: 1. 6. 2024

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Our next shipping day is Tuesday, June 4 (for orders received from now to Monday, June 3, 14:00 of CET)

June 1:

Adams: Paul Keres. Volume 1-4 (pre-order at a discounted price).

again available:
Slavin: Uchebnik - zadachnik shakhmat, volume 1-10 (complete set).

May 31:

Delchev: Delchevs Practical Opening Repertoire. Volume 1: Scandinavian, Pirc & Modern Defenses - hardcover.
Pavlovic: The Modernized Semi-Slav - hardcover.

again available:
Rodi: The Queens Gambit Declined - A Dynamic Repertoire for Black - hardcover.
Pavlovic: Unknown Weapons in the Gruenfeld - hardcover.

Mohr / Velimirovic-Zorica: Forgotten Genius: The Life and Games of Grandmaster Dragoljub Velimirovic. Volume 2 - hardcover.
Mohr / Velimirovic-Zorica: Forgotten Genius: The Life and Games of Grandmaster Dragoljub Velimirovic. Volume 1+2 (complete set).

Welling / Basman: U Cannot Be Serious!
Grivas: The Anti-Sicilian Bible. A Complete Repertoire for Black.

May 30:

Karolyi / Gyozalyan: Petrosian. God za godom.Tom II (1963-1984) (preorder).

May 27:

again available:
Alekhine: Polnoe sobranie partiy s avtorskimi kommentariami. Tom 1-4: 1905-20, 1921-25, 1926-31, 1931-46 (complete set).
Golenishchev / Karpov ao: Programma podgotovki shakhmatistov II razryada + I razryada + kandidatov v mastera sporta (a set of 3 books).
Individual books from the above series are also available.

Dreev: 100 izbrannykh partiy.
Kostrov / Beliavsky: 2000 shakhmatnykh zadatch, chast 1 / 2000 Chess Exercises, volume 1 / 2000 Schachaufgaben, 1. Teil.

Kostrov / Beliavsky: 2000 shakhmatnykh zadatch, chast 2 / 2000 Chess Exercises, volume 2 / 2000 Schachaufgaben, 2. Teil.
Kostrov / Beliavsky: 2000 shakhmatnykh zadatch, chast 3 / 2000 Chess Exercises, volume 3 / 2000 Schachaufgaben, 3. Teil.

May 26:

Fiala ao: Quarterly for Chess History 25/2024 (preorder).

May 25:

Dananau: Patrate albe, patrate negre. Incercare de reconstituire a campionatelor nationale de sah (1977-1989) (preorder).

May 24:

du Mont / Hansen: R. P. Michell - A Master of British Chess: A forgotten chess master - hardcover.
Edge / Buck: The Exploit and Triumphs in Europe of Paul Morphy - The Chess Champion (with the appendix: Paul Morphy - His Later Life, by C. A. Buck).

Horwitz / Kling: Chess Studies and Endgames (Updated and edited by Carsten Hansen).
Lakdawala / Hansen: None Shall Pass: The Unbeatable Damiano Petroff (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 Nxe4).

Fiala: Jose Raul Capablanca: Third Worlds Chess Champion. 1910.
Blokh: Kombinatsionnoe iskusstvo v shakhmatakh / The Art of Combination in Chess (preorder).

again available:
Lakdawala / Hansen: Chess Endgame Magic and Tactics: The Chess Wizardry of Wotawa.
Lakdawala / Hansen: Basmans Folly: Embracing Chaos with 1.g4!?

Fiala: Oldrich Duras. Master of Chess Combination. Volume 1: 1882-1905.
Graham / Blackburne: Mr. Blackburnes Games at Chess.

Loewenthal: Morphys Games of Chess.
Stanley: Morphys Match Games.

Walker: A Selection of Games at Chess Actually Played by Philidor and His Contemporaries.
Forbes: The History of Chess

May 22:

Zinovyev: Pozitsionnaya igra. Kniga vtoraya: Sekrety peshechnykh khodov.
Plisetsky: Bitvy gigantov. Zabytye stranitsy sovetskikh shakhmat.

Shereshevsky: Associativnoe myshlenie v shakhmatakh. Sila srednevo khoda - kladka.
Chernyshov ao.: Korolevskaya krepost No.2 - fianketto.

Zhuravlev: Shakhmaty. Shag za shagom.
Volchok: Uroki shakhmatnoy taktiki. Elo 1400-1999.

Shereshevsky: S molodozhyu - v endshpil. Kniga pervaya. 2nd revised edition 2023.

again available:
Shereshevsky ao: Endshpil: Kurs molodovo bojtsa.
Chernyshov ao: Korolevskaya krepost No.1.

Galkin: Legkofigurnyy endshpil. 87 urokov grossmeistera.
Galkin: Nestandartnyy endshpil.

Galkin: Ladejnyy endshpil. 131 master-klass ot grossmeistera.
Galkin ao: Nedootsenka kontrigry sopernika. Mittelshpil.

Kornev: Prakticheskiy repertuar za chernykh d5, c6. Tom 2: Zashchita Caro-Kann i drugie.
Bologan: Pover v sebya!

Blokh: Kombinatsionnye motivy / Combinative motifs / Motivos de Combinaciones.
Bologan: Staroindiyskaya zashchita. Repertuar za chernykh.

Dvoretsky: Uchebnik endshpilya.
Yezhov / Kovpak: Shakhmatnaya kometa Carlos Torre.

Lobach: Peshechnyy endshpil. 64 uroka.
Ovechkin ao.: Sovremennaya Venskaya partia.

Vorobiov: Po sledam chempionov mira. Vypusk 1: Wilhelm Steinitz. Emanuel Lasker.
Asrian: Vladimir Bagirov.

Smirin: Staroindiyskie srazhenia.
Bogoljubov: Mezhdunarodnyy shakhmatnyy turnir v Moskve 1925g

Larsen: Geniy shakhmat po imeni Bobbi Fischer.

May 17:

Zlatanovic: Chess Strategy - Revealed. Your Tool Kit of Key Concepts and Pawn Structures (preorder).
Edge / Buck: The Exploit and Triumphs in Europe of Paul Morphy - The Chess Champion (with the appendix: Paul Morphy - His Later Life, by C. A. Buck) (preorder).

May 16:

Konikowski / Bekemann: Openings - The English Opening Volume 1 - Symmetrical Variation (1.c4 c5).

Kohlmeyer: Schachkoeniginnen.
Kohlmeyer: Schachhelden.

Kohlmeyer: Vergessene Schachmeister.
Kohlmeyer: Liebe zum Schach.

Kohlmeyer: Zauberwelt Schach.
Kohlmeyer: Schach-Quartette.

du Mont / Hansen: R. P. Michell - A Master of British Chess: A forgotten chess master - hardback (preorder).

again available:
Pervakov / Dvoretsky: Studies for Practical Players Book 2.
Mueller: Typical French - Effective Middlegame Training.

Mueller: Typical Sicilian - Effective Middlegame Training.

May 15:

Georgiev: The London against the Dutch (1.d4 f5 2.Bf4) (preorder).

updated description:
Delchev: Delchevs Practical Opening Repertoire. Volume 1: Scandinavian, Pirc & Modern Defenses - hardcover (preorder).
Pavlovic: The Modernized Semi-Slav - hardcover (preorder).

May 7:

again available:
Solga: Richard Reti. Sachovy genius.
Dubravsky: 100 rokov sachu v Trnave.

FIDE Album 2016-2018.
Avner: Close Encounters With The Chess Pieces.

April 29:

Bologan: Making My Move.
Groenn: Games and Goals. The Fascinating Chess and Football Careers of Simen Agdestein.

Regan / Ball: Zwischenzug! A Comprehensive Guide to Intermediate Moves - paperback.
Regan / Ball: Zwischenzug! A Comprehensive Guide to Intermediate Moves - pevná vazba.

Erwich: 1001 Chess Exercises for Club Players (Improved: Six Puzzles Per Page).
Erwich: 1001 Chess Exercises for Advanced Players (Improved: Six Puzzles Per Page).

Fischer ao.: Bobby Fischer uchit igrat v shakhmaty (preorder).

again available:
Tiviakov ao: Rock Solid Chess. Tiviakovs Unbeatable Strategy. Volume 2: Piece Play.
Hendriks: Move First, Think Later - hardcover.

Benjamin ao: Winning the World Open.
Benjamin: Chessboard Combat. The Give and Take of Chess Tactics.

Boel ao: Chess Buccaneer: The Life and Games of Manuel Bosboom.
de la Villa: 100 Endgame Patterns You Must Know.

van Delft: Mastering Positional Sacrifices.
Kryakvin: Speed Demon. The Fascinating Games and Tragic Life of Alexey Vyzhmanavin.

April 24:

Vladimirov: 1000 Chess Problems - hardcover.

Grabinsky / Oleksiyenko: Turbo-charge Your Tactics 1. Drive Your Improvement - hardcover.
Grabinsky / Oleksiyenko: Turbo-charge Your Tactics 2. Accelerate and Win - hardcover.

Lakdawala: The Unknown Fischer.
Mieses / Hansen: Manual of the Endgame in Chess.

Mueller: Typical French. Effective Middlegame Training.

Kovacevic: Knight Endgames.
Tadic: Knight Endgames Workbook.

again available:
Shankland: Theoretical Rook Endgames - hardcover.
Flores: Chess Structures.

Dreyer / Sieg: Emanuel Lasker - Schach, Philosofie, Wissenschaft.
Lakdawala: Stark Beauty: The Endgame Studies of Mattison.

Dombrowsky: Friedrich Saemisch. Schachkuenstler auf 64 Feldern.
Konikowski: The Kings Indian Attack - Properly Played.

Hansen: Play the Orangutan: 1 b4.
Nestorovic: Positional Sacrifice in Modern Chess.

Hansen: The Carlsen Variation.
Mueller: Magnus Carlsen. The Chess DNA of a Genius.

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