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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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New Books >> History, Bibliography

Author:(Iclicki, Willy / Oleynikov, Dmitriy) ea
Title: 100 Years of FIDE. An illustrated History 1924-2024
Description:No place, FIDE, 2024, quality heavy paper, many b/w and color photos and illustrations, 208 pages. 950 grams. Paperback. Code #11107
Price:Kè 1399,-

Author:(Williams, Elijah)
Title: Souvenir of the Bristol Chess Club
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, no date, reprint of the 1845 edition, 143p. Boards. Code #3077
Price:Kè 320,-

Author:Adamec, Tomas
Title: Cernobila historie
Description:Frydek-Mistek, Beskydska sachova skola, 2016, many photos, 216p. 750 grams. Hardcover. Code #6878
Price:Kè 120,-

Author:Aumueller, Matthias
Title: Das Schachspiel in der europaeischen Literatur
Description:Eltmann, Beyer, 2023, 266 pages. 600 grams. Paperback. Code #10770
Price:Kè 799,-

Author:Benjamin, Joel / Scott, Harold
Title: Winning the World Open
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2021, photos in text, 344p. 660 grams. Paperback. Code #9762
Price:Kè 680,-

Author:Berdichevsky, Igor ea
Title: Shakhmatnaya evreyskaya enciclopedia
Description:Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2016, 320p. 1,050 grams. Hardcover. Code #6972
Price:Kè 999,-

Author:Betts, Douglas
Title: Chess. An Annotated Bibliography of Works Published in the English Language 1850 - 1968
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 2005, XX + 659p. 1,080 grams. Hardcover. Code #4194
Price:Kè 899,-

Author:Biolek (Sr.), Richard / Fuksik, Jakub
Title: Agentura 64 Grygov. Tri dekady
Description:Eltmann, Agentura 64, 2023, 44 quality color photos, 68, (2) pages. 190 grams. Paperback. Code #10809
Price:Kè 150,-

Author:Biolek (Sr.), Richard
Title: Historie sachu v Olomouckem kraji
Description:Prerov, self-edition, 2018, many photos, 456p. 1,470 grams. Hardcover. Code #8099
Price:Kè 750,-

Author:Bird, Henry
Title: Chess History and Reminiscences
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, no date (2011), reprint of the 1893 edition, XXIV, 138p. Cloth. Code #5683
Price:Kè 590,-

Author:Brekke, Oystein
Title: Honefoss Sjakklubb gjennom 100 ar
Description:Drammen, Norsk Sjakkforlag, 2018, many photos and illustrations in text, 136p. 550 grams. Hardcover. Code #9620
Price:Kè 399,-

Author:Brekke, Oystein
Title: Norske sjakktrekk: Norges Sjakkforbund 100 ar 1914-2014
Description:Drammen, Norsk Sjakkforlag, 2014, many photos and illustrations in text, 328p. 1,520 grams. Hardcover. Code #9621
Price:Kè 890,-

Author:Brekke, Oystein
Title: Schakklubben av 1911 i 100 ar
Description:Drammen, Norsk Sjakkforlag, 2011, many photos and illustrations in text, VIII, 214p. 560 grams. Paperback. Code #9625
Price:Kè 399,-

Author:Brustkern, Juergen / Wallet, Norbert
Title: The Chess Battles of Hastings - hardcover
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2022, many photos in text, 384 pages. 860 grams. Hardcover. Code #10405
Price:Kè 780,-

Author:Cavallaro, Lenny
Title: Sherlock Holmes and the Mysteries of the Chess World
Description:Milford, Russell Enterprises, 2022, photos in text, 256 pages. 360 grams. Paperback. Code #10403
Price:Kè 450,-

Author:Cordero, Javier
Title: Forgotten Talents. Chessplayers Lost in the Labyrinth of Life
Description:Milford, Russell Enterprises, 2024, photos in text, 288 pages. 400 grams. Paperback. Code #10872
Price:Kè 499,-

Author:Dananau, Cristian-Florin
Title: Patrate albe, patrate negre. Incercare de reconstituire a campionatelor nationale de sah (1977-1989) (numbered copy, signed by author)
Description:Bucuresti, Editura Universitara, 2024, photos, 206p. 530 grams. Of the total circulation of 144 copies, 100 copies are numbered and signed by the author. Paperback. Code #11031
Price:Kè 425,-

Author:Di Felice, Gino
Title: Chess Competitions, 1824-1970. An Annotated International Bibliography of Books, Bulletins, and Programs
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 2012, XII + 554p. 850 grams. Hardcover. Code #6085
Price:Kè 899,-

Author:Dubravsky, Ladislav
Title: 100 rokov sachu v Trnave
Description:Trnava, self-edition, 2023, many b/w and color photos and illustrations, 332 pages. 750 grams. Hardcover. Code #10835
Price:Kè 399,-

Author:Dudzinski, Pawel
Title: Szachy wojenne 1914-1918. Drogi do niepodleglosci
Description:Warszawa, Penelopa + Centrum Biznesowe Info, 2018, many b/w and color photos in text, 238 pages. 400 grams. Paperback. Code #8318
Price:Kè 499,-

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