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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Used Books >> History, Bibliography

Bibliotheca van der Linde - Niemejeriana. A Catalogue of the Chess Collection in the Royal Library, The Hague.
Rosmalen, Esprit, 1988, reprint of the 1955 edition, 342, (2)p. 480 grams. Orig. hardcover. 750 copies. Good / dust jacket not issued. (A fundamental work for collectors of older chess books, 6493 entries, index. 3x stock photo). Code #531756.
Kè 600,-

Bibliotheca van der Linde - Niemejeriana. A Catalogue of the Chess Collection in the Royal Library, The Hague.
Rosmalen, Esprit, 1988, reprint of the 1955 edition, 342, (2)p. 480 grams. Orig. hardcover. 750 copies. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (A fundamental work for collectors of older chess books, 6493 entries, index. 3x stock photo). Code #3925.
Kè 850,-

Schwalbe, Die - 4 various offers of problem chess books, both new and used from 1994-1999.
No place, Die Schwalbe, 1988-2008, 4-12 pages each pamphlet. 100 grams. Softcovers. 5x Buecherliste der Schwalbe, marked as: 1. Dezember 1988, 96/2, 98/1, September 2003, 12. Oktober 2005. 3x Buecher-Versteigerung der Schwalbe, marked as: Juni 2007, Juni 2008, Dezember 2008. Very good. Code #532908.
Together Kè 120,-

Van Gendt Book Auction No. 317 (December 1997).
Amsterdam, self-edition, 1997, unpaginated (ca 90p) + 16 pages with photo. Wrs. Large 8vo (23-25 cm). Very good. (1086 items, only 2 of them are on chess - 796-797. Estimated prices). Code #501476.
Kè 80,-

Abramov, Lev: 10 chempionov mira.
Moskva, FiS, 1972, photos, 160p. 190 grams. Softcover. Good. (10 World champions. Stock photo). Code #500718.
Kè 30,-

Abramov, Lev: 10 chempionov mira.
Moskva, FiS, 1972, 1st edition, photos, 160p. 180 grams. Softcover. 50,000 copies. Fair. (10 World champions. Stock photo). Code #525159.
Kè 20,-

Averbakh, Yuri: O chem molchat figury.
Moskva, Ripol Klassik, 2007, 1st edition, 310, (10)p + 16 plates with ca 30 bw photos. 370 grams. Orig. hardcover. Series Iskusstvo shakhmat. 3,000 copies. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (Author discoveres battles and collisions that remained behind the scene. With no games. Stock photo). Code #527233.
Kè 300,-

Averbakh, Yuri / Turov, Boris: Shakhmatnye olimpiady.
Moskva, FiS, 1974, photos in text, illustrations, 304p. 380 grams. Orig. hardcover. Good / dust jacket not issued. (History of chess olympiads, 100 annotated games, crosstables, etc. Stock photo). Code #500713.
Kè 50,-

Averbakh, Yuri: V poiskach istiny.
Moskva, FiS, 1992, 2nd edition, 240p. 200 grams. Softcover. Small 8vo (ca 20 cm). Good. (Stock photo). Code #504174.
Kè 140,-

Babkin, Viktor / Antonov, G. V. ea : Oni igrali v shakhmaty (dark brown binding).
Moskva, Sovetskaya Rossia, 1982, 240p. 330 grams. Orig. hardcover. Series Sakhmatnoe iskusstvo. Good to very good / dust jacket not issued. (Russian scientists, writers and musicians as chess players - Pushkin, Turgenev, Tolstoi, Prokofjeff, Mendeleev and others. Stock photo). SA 699. Code #502097.
Kè 200,-

Babkin, Viktor / Antonov, G. V. ea : Oni igrali v shakhmaty (light brown binding).
Moskva, Sovetskaya Rossia, 1982, 240p. 330 grams. Orig. hardcover. Series Sakhmatnoe iskusstvo. Good to very good / dust jacket not issued. (Russian scientists, writers and musicians as chess players - Pushkin, Turgenev, Tolstoi, Prokofjeff, Mendeleev and others. Stock photo). Code #520450.
Kè 200,-

Barcza, Gedeon ea : Die Weltmeister des Schachspiels. Teil I. (Von Morphy bis Aljechin) + Teil II. (Von Botvinnik bis Fischer).
Budapest, Corvina, 1975, 1st edition, 364 + 348p. 1,160 grams. Softcovers. Good. (Stock photo). Code #500697.
Kè 280,-

Barcza, Gedeon ea : Die Weltmeister des Schachspiels. Teil II. (Von Botvinnik bis Fischer).
Budapest, Corvina, 1975, 1st edition, 348p. 570 grams. Softcover. Poor. (Stock photo). Code #533445.
Kè 40,-

Baturinsky, Viktor: Stranitsy shakhmatnoy zhizni.
Moskva, FiS, 1983, photos, 176p. 160 grams. Softcover. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). Good to very good. (Remembrances of Viktor Baturinsky, almost without games. Stock photo). Code #534083.
Kè 125,-

Baturinsky, Viktor: Stranitsy shakhmatnoy zhizni.
Moskva, FiS, 1983, photos, 176p. 160 grams. Softcover. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). Good. (Remembrances of Viktor Baturinsky, almost without games. Stock photo). Code #502095.
Kè 100,-

Beilin, Mikhail: Za shakhmatnoy doskoy.
Moskva, FiS, 1959, 40p. 60 grams. Softcover. Poor. (Stock photo). Sa 382. Code #502091.
Kè 30,-

Betts, Douglas: Chess. An Annotated Bibliography of Works Published in the English Language 1850 - 1968.
Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 2005, reprint of the 1974 edition, XX + 659p. 1,080 grams. Orig. hardcover. Good / dust jacket not issued. (Described several thousand items from 1850-1968, bibliographic data + commentary. Stock photo). Code #535102.
Kè 500,-

Binas, Jindrich / Paroulek, Vit ea : 1. Severomoravsky Pohar Osvobozeni 1975-1980 + 13. prebor Severomoravskeho kraje v korespondencnim sachu jednotlivcu 1979-1980.
Ostrava, komise koresp. sachu, 1981 + 1982, 100, 14 + 124, 26 pages. 340 grams. Softcovers. Volume 1 = Fair, volume 2 = Good. (2 national correspondence tournaments, 183 + 190 games, many annotated, results etc. Contains also Vit Parouleks article in 2 parts on a history of Czech correspondence chess 1886-1918 - 40 pages in all. Stock photo). Code #535140.
The set Kè 100,-

Binas, Jindrich / Paroulek, Vit ea : 1. Severomoravsky Pohar Osvobozeni 1975-1980 + 13. prebor Severomoravskeho kraje v korespondencnim sachu jednotlivcu 1979-1980.
Ostrava, komise koresp. sachu, 1981 + 1982, 100, 14 + 124, 26 pages. 340 grams. Softcovers. Fair. (2 national correspondence tournaments, 183 + 190 games, many annotated, results etc. Contains also Vit Parouleks article in 2 parts on a history of Czech correspondence chess 1886-1918 - 40 pages in all. Stock photo). Code #526773.
The set Kè 75,-

Binas, Jindrich / Paroulek, Vit ea : 13. prebor Severomoravskeho kraje v korespondencnim sachu jednotlivcu 1979-1980.
Ostrava, komise koresp. sachu, 1982, 124p + 26p (paginated 15-40). 180 grams. Softcover. Fair to good. (National correspondence tournament, 190 games, many annotated, results etc. Contains also the article devoted to the history of the Czech correspondence chess in 1900-1918 by Vit Paroulek Stock photo). Code #529617.
Kè 40,-

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