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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Used Books >> History, Bibliography

Binas, Jindrich / Paroulek, Vit ea : 13. prebor Severomoravskeho kraje v korespondencnim sachu jednotlivcu 1979-1980.
Ostrava, komise koresp. sachu, 1982, 124p + 26p (paginated 15-40). 180 grams. Softcover. Fair. (National correspondence tournament, 190 games, many annotated, results etc. Contains also the article devoted to the history of the Czech correspondence chess in 1900-1918 by Vit Paroulek Stock photo). Code #526766.
Kè 30,-

Binas, Jindrich / Paroulek, Vit ea : 13. prebor Severomoravskeho kraje v korespondencnim sachu jednotlivcu 1979-1980.
Ostrava, komise koresp. sachu, 1982, 124p + 26p (paginated 15-40). 180 grams. Softcover. Fair to good. (National correspondence tournament, 190 games, many annotated, results etc. Contains also the article devoted to the history of the Czech correspondence chess in 1900-1918 by Vit Paroulek Stock photo). Code #529617.
Kè 40,-

Binas, Jindrich / Paroulek, Vit ea : 13. prebor Severomoravskeho kraje v korespondencnim sachu jednotlivcu 1979-1980.
Ostrava, komise koresp. sachu, 1982, 124p + 26p (paginated 15-40). 180 grams. Softcover. Good. (National correspondence tournament, 190 games, many annotated, results etc. Contains also the article devoted to the history of the Czech correspondence chess in 1900-1918 by Vit Paroulek Stock photo). Code #505743.
Kè 50,-

Binnewirtz, Ralf / Fresen, Hans-Juergen: Der Tradition verpflichted... / Obliged to Tradition....
Venezia, Scacchi e Scienze Applicate, 2008, frontisp., more than 200 photos, many of them in color, heavy coated paper, 216p. 1,260 grams. Paperback. Ca 31 cm. Very good. (A detailed bibliography of the Commemorative publications of German chess clubs founded by 1914. Large size 31 x 21 cm. All text simultaneously in German and English, almost all publications are pictured. 5x stock photo). Code #4972.
Kè 390,-

Boehm, Hans ea : SIC Schaak nummer 3/1991.
Tilburg, 1991, photos, illust., 144p. 350 grams. Softcover. Very good. (Contains ca 15 articles by various authors mostly on history of chess. Stock photo). Code #505711.
Kè 90,-

Boensch, Ernst: Kleines Lexikon Schach.
Berlin, Sportverlag, 1988, 1st edition, 128p. 150 grams. Orig. hardcover. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). Very good / dust jacket not issued. (Das Koenigliche Spiel von Abtausch bis Zugzwang. Stock photo). Code #521548.
Kè 120,-

Bondar, Leonid / Motchalov, Evgeni: Memorialy Sokolskovo.
Minsk, Polymya, 1989, 192p. 110 grams. Softcover. Good. (Sokolsky Memorial tourneys in Minsk from 1970 to 1989. Stock photo). Code #530515.
Kè 80,-

Bondar, Leonid / Motchalov, Evgeni: Memorialy Sokolskovo.
Minsk, Polymya, 1989, 192p. 110 grams. Softcover. Very good. (Sokolsky Memorial tourneys in Minsk from 1970 to 1989. Stock photo). Code #502093.
Kè 120,-

Bondar, Leonid: Strategia, taktika, stil.
Minsk, Belarus, 1979, 176p. 160 grams. Softcover. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Good. (Chessplayers in Belarus. Stock photo). Code #500699.
Kè 40,-

British Chess Problem Society: Books and Magazines. Sales List November 2000.
No place, self-edition, 2000, 12p. 20 grams. Softcover. Very good. (Used chess books, mostly problems, ca 500 items. Compiled by Peter Fayers). Code #522791.
Kè 30,-

British Chess Problem Society: Books and Magazines. Sales List: January 2005.
No place, self-edition, 2005, 16p. 20 grams. Stapled leaves. Very good. (Used chess books, mostly problems, ca 500 items. Compiled by Peter Fayers). Code #532927.
Kè 30,-

British Chess Problem Society: Books and Magazines. Sales List: November 2002.
No place, self-edition, 2002, 12p. 20 grams. Stapled leaves. Very good. (Used chess books, mostly problems, ca 500 items. Compiled by Peter Fayers). Code #522792.
Kè 30,-

Burgess, Graham: Chess Highlights of the 20th Century.
London, Gambit, 1999, 1st edition, 208p + 16 pages with 39 photos. 680 grams. Orig. hardcover. Large 8vo (23-25 cm). Very good / dust jacket not issued. (Stock photo). Code #525752.
Kè 300,-

Bykova, Yelizaveta: Sovietskie shakhmatistki.
Moskva, FiS, 1951, 1st edition, many photos in text, 182p. 270 grams. Later binding with no lettering. 15,000 copies. Fair. (Soviet women chess players). Sa 371. SA 593. Code #533799.
Kè 140,-

Bykova, Yelizaveta: Sovietskie shakhmatistki.
Moskva, FiS, 1957, 2nd enlarged edition, many photos in text, 328p. 330 grams. Orig. hardcover. Poor / dust jacket not issued. (Soviet women chess players. Stock photo). Sa 372. SA 594. Code #533740.
Kè 75,-

Bytchek, Ivan / Chubrov, Alexander: Voronezh shakhmatny.
Voronezh, Centralno-chernozemnoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo, 1981, 1st edition, photos, 232p. 270 grams. Orig. hardcover. Fair / dust jacket not issued. (History of chess in Voronezh county - players, results, 70 annotated games. Stock photo). Code #532282.
Kè 150,-

Damsky, Yakov: Vek shakhmat.
Moskva, Eterna, 2009, 2nd revised and enlarged edition, many photos in text, 416p. 750 grams. Orig. hardcover. Series Chess Idea. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (On the Russian chess in 20th century. Stock photo). Code #526156.
Kè 375,-

Dlugolensky, Yakov / Zak, Vladimir: Lyudi i shakhmaty.
Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1988, 255p. 230 grams. Softcover. Good. (History of chess in St. Petersburg. Stock photo). Code #521259.
Kè 135,-

Drajic, Dusan: An Overview of Yugoslavian Chess Literature. (An Annotated Bibliography). I. Period 1886-1952.
Beograd, Academic Mind, 2010, 1st edition, 108p. 300 grams. Orig. hardcover. Large 8vo (23-25 cm). 300 copies. Good / dust jacket not issued. (An annotated bibliography of Yugoslav chess literature from 1886-1952. About 100 items are described - books, magazines, bulletins. The first half of the book is in English, the second half the same in Serbian. Stock photo). Code #535385.
Kè 340,-

Dvorkovich, Vladimir: Spravochnik shakhmatista.
Moskva, FiS, 1983, 128p. 100 grams. Softcover. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Good. (Results, crosstables etc. of Soviet players from ca 1925. Just hundreds of results, no games. Stock photo). Code #533586.
Kè 100,-

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