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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Used Books >> Magazines - Complete vols >> Loose issues

64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie, loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. 1972:35,37-50,52; 1973:1-12,15-17,19,21,24-26,30,32-33,38,40-42,44-47,51; 1974:1,3-4,7,11,13,15,19-22,29-30,32-52; 1975:12-13,22,40; 1976:2,6,17,22-23,40-43,45-51; 1977:3,7-13,15-20,32-33,40; 1978:1,5,14-19,22,31-33,42-44,47,51; 1979:1,3,7,9-12,14-16,19-22,24-29,31-32,35-37,40-47,50; 1980:2-3,5-9,11-24; 1981:2-24; 1982:1-5,8-11,13-20; 1983:1-9,12,15,19,22-24; 1984:1-6,10-22,24; 1985:3-4,6,13,15-24; 1986:1-10,12-15,17,19-20; 1987:5,9-10,14,16-20; 1988:1,3-24; 1989:12-14,20,23; 1990:1,3; Good or better unless otherwise stated. 20% discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. 50% discount for orders of all above numbers. (Weekly from 1968, from 1980 fortnightly). SA 1875, 1876. Code #2806.
Each number Kè 5,-

64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie, loose issues.
One issue 250 grams. 2001:1-6,8-12; 2010:1-4,6-12; Good or better unless stated else. 20% discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. (Weekly from 1968, from 1980 fortnightly, from early 1990s monthly). Code #502443.
Each number Kè 40,-

Ajedrez 6000, loose issues.
1976:61; Good or better unless stated else. (Spanish monthly in Gran Canaria in 1976-77, first issue = 58/59, last issue 77. Successor to Ajedrez Canario. Di Felice 38). Code #529886.
Each number Kè 15,-

Ajedrez Postal (C.A.P.A), loose isses.
Double-issue 27-28 (ca 1993); Good or better unless stated else. (Argentina, for correspondence chess, large size. Published by Circulo ajedricistas postales Argentinos. Published from 1980s, at least to 1999, probably also later. This is different magazine than Ajedrez Postal Americano). Code #500613.
Each double-issue Kè 35,-

Ajedrez Postal Americano, loose issues.
1971:11-12; 1972:15,18; 1973:18,20-24; 1974:25-26,29-30; 1976:39,41-42; 1996:152; 1997:155; 2001:163; 2003:165; Good or better unless otherwise stated. 20% discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. (Magazine for correspondence chess, in Buenos Aires from 1970. Bi-monthly, later quarterly). Code #500662.
Each number Kè 27,-

American Chess Bulletin, loose issues.
One issue 70 grams. 1921:2; Fair ad/or missing cover. (Monthly, some times 8-9 issues a year, later bimonthly, published in New York from 1904 to number 1/1963). LN 6407. Betts 7-50. Code #10759.
Kè 40,-

American Chess Bulletin, loose issues.
One issue 70 grams. 1909:3-5,8-9,12; 1915:2-3,5-6,8; 1921:1,3-6; 1928:1-2; 1929:3,5-7; 1936:5; Good or better unless otherwise stated. (Monthly, some times 8-9 issues a year, later bimonthly, published in New York from 1904 to number 1/1963). LN 6407. Betts 7-50. Code #500679.
Each number Kè 80,-

Arbejder-Skak, loose issues.
1952:1-7,10-12; 1953:1-2,4,7-8,12; 1954:3-5,7-8; 1955:1-7; 1958:1; 1967:6; Good or better unless otherwise stated. 20% discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. (Danish magazine, monthly from 1931). LN 6002. Code #2751.
Each number Kè 20,-

Bjulleten centralnovo shakhmatnovo kluba SSSR, loose issues.
One issue 40 grams. 1991:1-8; Good or better unless stated else. (Published in 1958, 1960-80, 1982-91, first irregularly, since 1963 monthly, then 22-36 issues a year since 1983). Sa 953. SA 1866. Code #2809.
Each number Kè 15,-

Blitz Chess, loose issues.
2003:(volume 14): issue 4 (Spring-Summer); Good or better unless otherwise stated. (Canadian quarterly, published from ca 1989). Code #531287.
Kè 20,-

Brefskaktidindi, loose issues.
1997: double-issue 1-2; Good or better unless otherwise stated. (Icelandic magazine for correspondence chess, published from 1979 to at least 1997). Code #528707.
Kè 30,-

British Chess Magazine, loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. 1914:January; 1915:July; Missing cover and/or damaged. (Magazine is published monthly from 1881 up to the present). LN 6135. Betts 7-27. Code #5281.
Each number Kè 40,-

British Chess Magazine, loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. 1889: November, December; Missing cover, else Good. (Magazine is published monthly from 1881 up to the present). LN 6135. Betts 7-27. Code #9793.
Each number Kè 80,-

British Chess Magazine, loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. 1914:February, March, April, June, July, August; 1939.1-8,11; 1940:5; Good or better unless stated else. (Magazine is published monthly from 1881 up to the present). LN 6135. Betts 7-27. Code #2703.
Each number Kè 80,-

British Chess Magazine, loose issues.
One issue 100 grams. 1984:9; 1995:1,3,12; 2016:1; Good or better unless stated else. (Magazine is published monthly from 1881 up to the present). Code #2704.
Each number Kè 20,-

British Chess Magazine, loose issues.
One title/index = 20 grams. All below listed items are volume titles/indexes (without magazines). 1953:title+index = XVIs; 1958:title+index = XIIs; 1964:title+index = XVIs; 1970:title+index = XVIp; 1975:title+index = XVIp; 1986:title+index = XVIp; 1994:title+index = VIIIp; Good or better unless stated else. (Magazine is published monthly from 1881 up to the present). LN 6135. Betts 7-27. Code #523855.
Each Kè 50,-

British Chess Magazine, loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. a) 1914:May, pages 169-216 + 1 plate: Edward Lasker. Good; b) 1939:December, pages 497-532 + title/index of 1939 (= XVI pages); Good; c) 1945:December, pages 278-312 + title/index of 1945 (= XII pages); Still Good. (Magazine is published monthly from 1881 up to the present). LN 6135. Betts 7-27. Code #10721.
Each (a-c) Kè 150,-

British Chess Magazine, loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. 1952:2-3; 1953:1,5-12; 1954:1; 1957:7; 1958:5-7,10-12; 1966:7; 1968:8; 1969:2,5-7; 1970:2; Good or better unless stated else. 20 per cent discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. (Magazine is published monthly from 1881 up to the present). LN 6135. Betts 7-27. Code #502839.
Each number Kè 35,-

British Chess Magazine, loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. 1950:9; 1954:4; Fair and/or missing cover. (Magazine is published monthly from 1881 up to the present). LN 6135. Betts 7-27. Code #535334.
Each number Kè 18,-

Buletinul federatiei romane de sah 1934, double-issue 3-4.
48 pages (numbered 65-112). 80 grams. Loose double-issue. Large 8vo (23-25 cm). Good: light/some signs of use. The editorial address on the front cover is underlined in red crayon, otherwise text with no writings. This double-number contains ca 11 annotated games, 5 problems and 4 endgame studies. (Romania, monthly, only 4 numbers were published in the period June-September 1934. Real photo). LN 6302. Di Felice 341. Stere: RO-ABC 208. Code #10915.
Kè 230,-

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