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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Used Books >> Endgame, Problem, Study

Schwalbe, Die. Band 19 (1986-1988), loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. Numbers 99, 109-114. Good or better unless stated else. (German problem magazine, published from 1924. This Band contains numbers 97-114. Di Felice 2352). Code #505702.
Each number Kè 40,-

Schwalbe, Die. Band 20 (1989-1991), loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. Numbers 115-132, title with index (16p). Good or better unless stated else. 20% discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. (German problem magazine, published from 1924. This Band contains numbers 115-132. Di Felice 2352). Code #520151.
Each number Kè 40,-

Schwalbe, Die. Band 21 (1992-1994), loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. Numbers 133-150, Sonderheft 141A (Dr. Werner Speckmann 80 Jahre). Good or better unless stated else. 20% discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. (German problem magazine, published from 1924. This Band contains numbers 133-150 and Sonderheft 141A. Di Felice 2352). Code #503633.
Each number Kè 40,-

Schwalbe, Die. Band 22 (1995-1996), loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. 1995:155; Good or better unless stated else. (German problem magazine, published from 1924. This Band contains numbers 151-162. Di Felice 2352). Code #529894.
Kè 40,-

Schwalbe, Die. Band 23 (1997-1998), loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. Numbers 167, 171A. Good or better unless stated else. (German problem magazine, published from 1924. This Band contains numbers 163-171, 171A, 172-174. Di Felice 2352). Code #521369.
Each number Kè 40,-

Schwalbe, Die. Band 26 (2003-2004), loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. Numbers 199-210, title with index (XXXIIp). Good or better unless stated else. 20% discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. (German problem magazine, published from 1924. This Band contains numbers 199-210. Di Felice 2352). Code #529900.
Each number Kè 40,-

Schwalbe, Die. Band 27 (2005-2006), loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. Numbers 211-222, title with index (XXXIIp). Good or better unless stated else. 20% discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. (German problem magazine, published from 1924. This Band contains numbers 211-222. Di Felice 2352). Code #529901.
Each number Kè 40,-

Schwalbe, Die. Band 28 (2007-2008), loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. Numbers 223-234, 234A, title with index (XXXIIp). Good or better unless stated else. 20% discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. (German problem magazine, published from 1924. This Band contains numbers 223-234, 234A. Di Felice 2352). Code #529902.
Each number Kè 40,-

Schwalbe, Die. Band 30 (2011-2012), loose issues.
One issue 50 grams. Numbers 248, 249, 253; Good or better unless stated else. (German problem magazine, published from 1924. This Band contains numbers 247-250, 250A, 251-258. Di Felice 2352). Code #529904.
Each number Kè 40,-

Springaren, loose issues.
One issue 100 grams. 1992:49,50; 1993:54; 2002:88,89,90; 2001:86,87; 2004:Register 2003-2004 (4)p; 2005:98, Register(4)p; 2007:107, Register (4)p; 2008:110; 2009:112; Good or better unless stated else. 20% discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. (Swedisch problem magazine published, from 1947, typescript, mimeographed. Di Felice 2534). Code #501605.
Each number Kè 50,-

Strategems, loose issues.
One issue 80 grams. 2008:42 (April-June); Good or better unless otherwise stated. (US problem magazine, quarterly from 1998. Di Felice 2554). Code #529954.
Kè 50,-

Suomen Tehtavaniekat, loose issues.
One issue 40 grams. 2006:3; Good or better unless stated else. (Finnish problem magazine, published bimonthly from 1947. Di Felice 2573). Code #503878.
Kè 50,-

Thema Danicum. Organ for Dansk Skakproblemklub. Volume 03 (1980-1981), loose issues.
1980:4; Good or better unless stated else. (Danish problem magazine, quarterly in 1976-2007, published 128 issues in all, each contains ca 70-80 problems, many originals. Successor to Stella Polaris, since 2008 superseded by Problemskak). Code #501611.
Each number Kè 50,-

Thema Danicum. Organ for Dansk Skakproblemklub. Volume 11 (1996-1997), loose issues.
40 grams. 1997:86; Good or better unless stated else. (Danish problem magazine, quarterly in 1976-2007, published 128 issues in all, each contains ca 70-80 problems, many originals. Successor to Stella Polaris, since 2008 superseded by Problemskak). Code #529929.
Kè 50,-

Thema Danicum. Organ for Dansk Skakproblemklub. Volume 12 (1998-1999), loose issues.
1998:90-91; Good or better unless stated else. (Danish problem magazine, quarterly in 1976-2007, published 128 issues in all, each contains ca 70-80 problems, many originals. Successor to Stella Polaris, since 2008 superseded by Problemskak). Code #526718.
Each number Kè 50,-

Thema Danicum. Organ for Dansk Skakproblemklub. Volume 16 (2006-2007), loose issues.
60 grams. 2007:128 (the last issue of the magazine, pp. 197-228, also includes the index for volume 16, 2006-2007). Very good. (Danish problem magazine, quarterly in 1976-2007, published 128 issues in all, each contains ca 70-80 problems, many originals. Successor to Stella Polaris, since 2008 superseded by Problemskak. Di Felice 2632). Code #535281.
Kè 120,-

Themes-64, loose issues.
one issue 30 grams. 1957:5-6; 1958:9-12; 1959:13-16; Good or better unless stated else. 20 per cent discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. (French problem magazine, published quarterly from 1956). Code #501640.
Each number Kè 100,-

Themes-64, loose issues.
one issue 50 grams. 25 (1962), 26-28, 41 (1966), 42-81 (1976), 84-85, 100-101, 104-105, 107, 111, 115 (1984); Good or better unless stated else. 20 per cent discount for orders of 10 or more numbers. (French problem magazine, published quarterly from 1956). Code #533255.
Each number Kè 50,-

Themes-64. Year 1956 (complete volume 1).
64p. 90 grams. Loose issues Nos. 1-4. Good: outer pages partly stained, else slightly (issue No.1 partly) worn. (French problem magazine, published quarterly from 1956). Code #1105.
Kè 680,-

Umenie 64 / Art 64, loose issues.
One issue 10 grams. Numbers 9, 33, 35-36; Good or better unless stated else. (Slovakia, problem magazine of the chess club Pongracz in Martin. Duplicated, one issue ca 8 pages. Published in 1996-2007, in all 42 numbers. Issue 42 of June 2007 contains only the index of issues 1-41. Successor to Mat-Pat). Code #502244.
Each number Kè 20,-

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