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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Used Books >> Biography

( Carlsen, M.)  Sivertsen, Aage: Magnus Carlsen: Das unerwartete Schachgenie.
Hamburg, Osburg, 2017, photos in text, 288p. 560 grams. Orig. hardcover. Ca 23 cm. Very good / Very good. (With no games. Stock photo). Code #534193.
Kè 450,-

( Carlsen, M.)  Sobiecki, Damazy: Magnus Carlsen: Wojownik.
Warszawa, Penelopa, 2013, 1st edition, 292p. 440 grams. Paperback. Large 8vo (23-25 cm). Good. (50 annotated games from 2012 and 2013, career record, indexes. Stock photo). Code #534186.
Kè 240,-

( Carlsen, M.)  Sobiecki, Damazy: Magnus Carlsen: Wojownik.
Warszawa, Penelopa, 2013, 1st edition, 292p. 440 grams. Paperback. Large 8vo (23-25 cm). Good to very good. (50 annotated games from 2012 and 2013, career record, indexes. Stock photo). Code #533654.
Kè 300,-

( Carlsen, M. + Caruana, F.)  Leonov, V. A.: Chempion mira i kandidat (grey cover).
Nizhny Novgorod, self-edition, 2018, 1st edition, 44p. 40 grams. Softcover. 14.5 x 10 cm. 25 copies. Very good. (About 50 games with brief notes - 17 games between Carlsen and Caruana and ca 30 against other opponnets. Stock photo). Code #8248.
Kè 125,-

( Caruana, F.)  Kalinin, Alexander: Fabiano Caruana. Shakhmatnye uroki.
Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2018, 1st edition, 192p. 340 grams. Orig. hardcover. Series Shakhmatny universitet. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (57 well annotated games, indexes of players and openings. Series Shakhmatny universitet no. 82. Stock photo). Code #534163.
Kè 300,-

( Caruana, F. and others)  Leonov, V. A.: Caruana, Nakamura, Aronjan, Vachier-Lagrave, Giri, So (green cover).
Nizhny Novgorod, self-edition, 2017, 3rd edition, 40p. 40 grams. Softcover. 14.5 x 10 cm. 5 copies. Very good. According to Impressum circulation 5 copies, but probably several tens of these booklets were published, similarly like at other titles of this author. (A few games of each player, often lost by him, with brief notes. Stock photo). Code #7460.
Kè 125,-

( Diemer, E.)  Studier, Georg: Emil Joseph Diemer. Ein Leben fuer das Schach im Spiegel seiner Zeit.
Dresden, Maedler, 1996, 280p. 420 grams. Paperback. Very good. (Detailed life and chess biography, 56 annotated games. Stock photo). Code #501034.
Kè 380,-

( Dreev, A.)  Dreev, Alexey: 100 izbrannykh partiy.
St. Peterburg, Solovev, 2007, 1st edition, few photos in text, 272p. 430 grams. Orig. hardcover. 1,000 copies. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (Biography, 100 deeply annotated games, career record, indexes. Stock photo). Code #522572.
Kè 390,-

( Duchamp, M.)  Pezzuto, Ferruccio: La partita di Duchamp.
Brescia, Messaggerie scacchistice, 1994, 78p + 8 pages photos. Wrs. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Very good. (Biography, photos, just 1 game. Stock photo). Code #526520.
Kè 200,-

( Duras, O.)  Fiala, Vlastimil: Oldrich Duras. Zivot a dilo. Prvni dil: Na ceste k mistrovskemu titulu (1882-1905).
Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 2008, 1st edition, photos, 406p. 840 grams. Orig. hardcover. Good / dust jacket not issued. (Oldrich Duras. Life and Work. Volume 1 - biography, in all 189 games, carrer record etc. Stock photo). Code #526484.
Kè 220,-

( Duras, O.)  Fiala, Vlastimil: Oldrich Duras. Zivot a dilo. Prvni dil: Na ceste k mistrovskemu titulu (1882-1905).
Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 2008, 1st edition, photos, 406p. 830 grams. Orig. hardcover. Good to very good / dust jacket not issued. (Oldrich Duras. Life and Work. Volume 1 - biography, 189 games, carrer record etc. Stock photo). Code #533902.
Kè 275,-

( Duras, O.)  Kalendovsky, Jan: The Complete Games of Oldrich Duras.
Nottingham, The Chess Player, 1997, 180p. 260 grams. Paperback. Chess Masters Series. Very good. (All 539 Duras' games, with brief notes. Career record, crosstables, index of players and openings. Chess Masters Series no.3. Stock photo). Code #501028.
Kè 450,-

( Duras, O.)  Louma, Josef ea : Oldrich Duras. Zivotni dilo.
Praha, STN, 1954, portrait, 392p. + 16 plates with 24 photos. 630 grams. Orig. hardcover. 2,200 copies. Good / missing dust jacket. (Biography, 200 annotated games, index of players and openings, crosstables, career record. Also 40 endgame studies by Oldrich Duras. 5x stock photo). Code #502758.
Kè 500,-

( Duras, O.)  Louma, Josef ea : Oldrich Duras. Zivotni dilo.
Praha, STN, 1954, portrait, 392p. + 16 plates with 24 photos. 640 grams. Orig. hardcover. Published 2.200 copies. Fair / Fair. (Biography, 200 annotated games, index of players and openings, crosstables, career record. Also 40 endgame studies by Oldrich Duras. 6x stock photo). Code #503290.
Kè 440,-

( Duras, O.)  Louma, Josef ea : Oldrich Duras. Zivotni dilo.
Praha, STN, 1954, portrait, 392p. + 16 plates with 24 photos. 630 grams. Orig. hardcover. 2,200 copies. Fair / missing dust jacket. (Biography, 200 annotated games, index of players and openings, crosstables, career record. Also 40 endgame studies by Oldrich Duras. 5x stock photo). Code #505597.
Kè 360,-

( Duras, O.)  Louma, Josef ea : Oldrich Duras. Zivotni dilo.
Praha, STN, 1954, portrait, 392p. + 16 plates with 24 photos. 630 grams. Orig. hardcover. Published 2.200 copies. Fair to good / missing dust jacket. (Biography, 200 annotated games, index of players and openings, crosstables, career record. Also 40 endgame studies by Oldrich Duras. 5x stock photo). Code #521108.
Kè 400,-

( Duras, O.)  Louma, Josef ea : Oldrich Duras. Zivotni dilo.
Praha, STN, 1954, 1st edition, portrait, 392p. + 16 plates with 24 photos. 630 grams. Orig. hardcover. 2,200 copies. Fair to poor / missing dust jacket. (Biography, 200 annotated games, index of players and openings, crosstables, career record. Also 40 endgame studies by Oldrich Duras. 5x stock photo). Code #533180.
Kè 250,-

( Duras, O.)  Louma, Josef ea : Oldrich Duras. Zivotni dilo.
Praha, STN, 1954, portrait, 392p. + 16 plates with 24 photos. 630 grams. Orig. cloth. 2,200 copies. Good to VG: missing dust jacket. (Biography, 200 annotated games, index of players and openings, crosstables, career record. Also 40 endgame studies by Oldrich Duras. 5x stock photo). Code #501828.
Kè 690,-

( Duras, O.)  Louma, Josef ea : Oldrich Duras. Zivotni dilo.
Praha, STN, 1954, portrait, 392p. + 16 plates with 24 photos. 630 grams. Orig. hardcover. 2,200 copies. Good to VG in Fair dust jacket. (Biography, 200 annotated games, index of players and openings, crosstables, career record. Also 40 endgame studies by Oldrich Duras. 6x stock photo). Code #528213.
Kè 790,-

( Duras, O.)  Prokop, F. J.: Duras vitezi.
Praha, C.A.T., 1944, portrait, 3 photos in text, 148p. Contemporary Nhfcloth, spine lettered. Good. (142 annotated games and 73 problems and endgame studies. Stock photo). LN 3061. So 98a. Mo 98. Code #526050.
Kè 300,-

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