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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

Author: Velimirovic, Milan / Valtonen, Kari
Title: Encyclopedia of Chess Problems
The book includes all types of problems - orthodox, help- and selfmates, fairy chess etc. as well as endgame studies. In great detail and clearly arranged Encyclopedia explains all possible terms and themes used in chess composition. The books includes explanation of all possible terms - from elementary ones like Twomover or Helpmate, through more complicated ones like Old German School or Economy to special terms like Progressive Twins, Half-Ambush Theme etc. Particular entries are arranged alphabetically, always well explained and accompanied with 1726 examples of problems and endgame studies with solutions. Several indexes at the end. Uri Avner, Honorary presindet of the WFCC, writes in the foreword: It is a must in the library of all lovers of chess problems and studies. 

Place of publication: Beograd 
Publisher: Chess Informant 
Year of publication: 2021 
Edition: 4th edition 
Pages: 520p. 1,000 grams 
Binding: Hardcover 
Language: English + Figurine notation 
Diagrams: 1726 
Book size: Large 8vo (23-25 cm)  
Copies published: 500 copies 
Code: #10194 
Price: USD 46.90  
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