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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

Author: Oleynikov, Dmitriy
Title: Yuri Lvovich Averbakh (Photoalbom. Podarochnoe izdanie)
Photo album published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Averbach (8 February 1922). Averbach is a Russian GM, in the 1950s he was one of the best players in the world, played in Candidates' tournaments, won the USSR championship in 1954 and shared 1st place with Taimanov and Spassky in 1956. Averbach also made a significant contribution to endgame theory, writing more than 10 books on the subject, which have seen many editions and translations into other languages. He composed more than 100 studies, and was editor-in-chief of the journals Shakhmaty v SSR and Shakhmatny Byulletin. The book contains ca 150 photographs from a period of eighty years - from the 1930s to the present. Included are photos from a variety of sources, including family archives, many of which have not been previously published. Deluxe edition on heavy paper - 170 grams, the covers 300g per square meter. The author is the scientific director of the Museum of the Russian Chess Federation 

Place of publication: Moskva 
Publisher: Federacia shakhmat Rossii 
Year of publication: 2022 
Edition: 1st edition 
Pages: 88p. 440 grams 
Binding: Softcover 
Language: Russian 
Diagrams: no 
Book size: Large 8vo (23-25 cm)  
Copies published:  
Code: #10025 
Price: USD 32.82  
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