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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Author: Sherwood, Robert ea
Title: Cambridge Springs 1904 (pre-order, contemporarily sold out, expected in January 2024)
This title is contemporarily sold out. Again expected in January 2024. Cambridge Springs 1904 is one of the strongest tournaments of the early 20th century. 16 players played each other and Frank Marshall won with 13 points from 15 games. Marshall was a strong player at the time, but he was not the favorite in the tournament. His impressive victory surprised the entire chess world and moved him to the world's top players. After him were David Janowski and World Champion Emanuel Lasker, both with 11 points, followed by Marco, Showalter, Schlechter, Chigorin, Mieses, Pillsbury, Fox, Teichmann, Lawrence, Napier, Barry, Hodges and Delmar. The tournament book provides a history of the tournament, all 120 games with detailed commentary, reports from the contemporary press and is accompanied by rare archival photos. Author Robert Sherwood has written several successful books on historic tournaments, including St. Petersburg 1895/96, Pasadena 1932, San Remo 1930, and others. 3 pictures. 

Place of publication: Milford 
Publisher: Russell Enterprises 
Year of publication: 2022 
Edition: 1st edition 
Pages: 400 pages. 700 grams 
Binding: Hardcover 
Language: English + Figurine notation 
Diagrams: many 
Book size: Ca 23 cm  
Copies published:  
Code: #10402 
Price: USD 35.67  
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