Salmins, Gedimins / Zemitis, Val
Title: Sudraba Vazina no Stokholmas Milda Lauberte Saha cinas |
(Silver Necklace from Stockholm. Milda Laubertes Chess Games). The book title refers to the Stockholm 1937 world women champinship, where Milda Lauberte (1918-2009) came on the 3rd place, together with Sonja Graf - 2nd was Clarice Benini and 1st Vera Menchik. The book is a biography of Milda Lauberte, 11-times Latvian chempion, possibly the strongest Latvian women player ever. Includes 50 games, many of them annotated, a lot of photos, results, crosstables of her tournaments etc. Low edition, reputedly 300 copies only but this is not stated in the book
Place of publication: | Liepaja |
Publisher: | LiePa |
Year of publication: | 2007 |
Edition: | |
Pages: | many photos in text, 172p. 230 grams |
Binding: | Paperback |
Language: | Latvian |
Diagrams: | yes |
Book size: |
8vo (20-23 cm)
Copies published: | |
Code: | #6141 |
Price: | USD 14.51
 |  |

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