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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Author: Levenfish, Grigory
Title: Soviet Outcast. The Life and Games of Grigory Levenfish - paperback
Grigory Yakovlevich Levenfish (1889 Piotrkow - 1961 Moscow), spent most of his life in St. Petersburg, where he won the city championship already in 1909. One of the best Soviet players between the wars, 2x USSR champion, attacking style player and excellent tactician. The first 200 pages bring a translation of Levenfish's autobiographical book Izbrannye partii i vospominania (1967) with 79 annotated games, the other about 100 pages contain Levenfish's annotated games from various sources, 30-page afterword by Aagaard, career record, crosstables, indexes. The book title points out that Levenfish was ignored by the Soviet regime, he was the only Soviet GM of his generation who was denied a stipend and was banned from playing abroad. But he never complained about his terms. He was an important theoretician and author of about 10 books, the most famous of which is Ladeynye okonchania (1957, with Smyslov). Further information about the book is available at 3 pictures. 

Place of publication: Glasgow 
Publisher: Quality Chess 
Year of publication: 2019 
Edition: 1st edition as paperback 
Pages: 304p. 590 grams 
Binding: Paperback 
Language: English + Figurine notation 
Diagrams: many 
Book size: Large 8vo (23-25 cm)  
Copies published:  
Code: #9093 
Price: USD 28.57  
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