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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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New Books >> Biography

Author:Franco, Zenon
Title: Magnus Wins With White: 32 of Magnus Carlsen's Most Instructive Games
Description:No place, Elk and Ruby, 2020, 242, (4)p. 400 grams. Paperback. Code #9550
Price:Kè 350,-

Author:Kohlmeyer, Dagobert
Title: Magnus Carlsen ...kam, zog und siegte
Description:Eltmann, Beyer, 2014, many photos in text, glossy paper, 240p. 640 grams. Hardcover. Code #7950
Price:Kè 450,-

Author:Kravtsiv, Martyn
Title: Magnus Carlsen's Most Instructive Games
Description:London, Gambit, 2021, 176 pages. 350 grams. Paperback. Code #9497
Price:Kè 450,-

Author:Lakdawala, Cyrus
Title: How to beat Magnus Carlsen
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2020, 304p. 580 grams. Paperback. Code #9567
Price:Kè 525,-

Author:Mikhalchishin, Adrian / Stetsko, Oleg
Title: Magnus Carlsen. 60 partiy lidera sovremennykh shakhmat
Description:Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2011, 296p. 480 grams. Hardcover. Code #5605
Price:Kè 399,-

Author:Soltis, Andrew
Title: Magnus Carlsen: 60 Memorable Games
Description:London, Batsford, 2020, 384p. 500 grams. Paperback. Code #10370
Price:Kè 499,-

Author:Kalinin, Alexander
Title: Fabiano Caruana. Shakhmatnye uroki
Description:Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2018, 192p. 340 grams. Hardcover. Code #7801
Price:Kè 350,-

Author:Kalinin, Alexander
Title: Fabiano Caruana: His Amazing Story and His Most Instructive Chess Games
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2018, photos in text, 208p. 410 grams. Paperback. Code #8093
Price:Kè 450,-

Author:Sobiecki, Damazy
Title: Fabiano Caruana: W pogoni za marzeniami
Description:Warszawa, Penelopa, 2020, 240p. 410 grams. Paperback. Code #9227
Price:Kè 299,-

Author:Soltis, Andrew
Title: Fabiano Caruana: 60 Memorable Games
Description:London, Batsford, 2022, 448p. 530 grams. Paperback. Code #10365
Price:Kè 499,-

Author:Kingston, Taylor
Title: Edgard Colle – Caissa's Wounded Warrior
Description:Milford, Russell Enterprises, 2021, photos in text, 272p. 370 grams. Paperback. Code #9706
Price:Kè 525,-

Author:Barsky, Vladimir ea
Title: Sensei. Kniga pamyati Yuriya Dokhoiana
Description:Moskva, Biblioteka Federatsii shakhmat Rossii, 2023, photos in text, 224 pages. 500 grams. Hardcover. Code #10431
Price:Kè 480,-

Author:Munninghoff, Alexander
Title: Hein Donner: The Biography
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2020, 272p. 420 grams. Paperback. Code #8893
Price:Kè 599,-

Author:Dreev, Alexey
Title: 100 izbrannykh partiy
Description:St. Peterburg, Solovev, 2007, few photos in text, 272p. 430 grams. Hardcover. Code #4684
Price:Kè 399,-

Author:Bielczyk, Jacek / Konikowski, Jerzy
Title: Wybrane partie szachowe Jana-Krzysztofa Dudy
Description:Warszawa, Penelopa, 2021, photos in text, 152p. 290 grams. Paperback. Code #10958
Price:Kè 290,-

Author:Fiala, Vlastimil
Title: The Chess Biography of Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), Volume 1 (1887-1925) + Volume 2 (1926-1930)
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 2002 + 2004, 324 + 452p. 1,360 grams . Hardcovers. With 10 per cent discount comparing to particular volumes. Code #6323
Price:Kè 1305,-

Author:Fiala, Vlastimil
Title: The Chess Biography of Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), Volume One: The Early Chess Career of Marcel Duchamp (1887-1925)
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 2002, 324p. 600 grams. Hardcover. Code #3078
Price:Kè 725,-

Author:Fiala, Vlastimil
Title: The Chess Biography of Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), Volume Two: On the Road to the Chess Mastery (1926-1930)
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 2004, 452p. 760 grams. Hardcover. Code #3728
Price:Kè 725,-

Author:Fiala, Vlastimil
Title: Oldrich Duras. Master of Chess Combination. Volume 1: 1882-1905
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 2014, 584 pages. 830 grams. Hardcover. Code #6542
Price:Kè 799,-

Author:Barsky, Vladimir
Title: Chess Coach. The Profound and Lasting Influence of Mark Dvoretsky
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2024, photos in text, 328p. 600 grams. Paperback. Code #10952
Price:Kè 699,-

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