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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Author:Geller, Yefim
Title: The Nemesis - Geller's Greatest Games - paperback
Description:Glasgow, Quality Chess, 2019, 480p. 900 grams. Paperback. Code #9091
Price:Kè 680,-

Author:Lakdawala, Cyrus
Title: From Boy to Man to Challenger: The Fiercest Battles of Gukesh D - hardcover
Description:No place, Elk and Ruby, 2024, 256 pages. 560 grams. Hardcover. Code #11128
Price:Kè 750,-

Author:Lakdawala, Cyrus
Title: From Boy to Man to Challenger: The Fiercest Battles of Gukesh D - paperback
Description:No place, Elk and Ruby, 2024, 256 pages. 420 grams. Paperback. Code #11127
Price:Kè 550,-

Author:Hector, Jonny
Title: Tusen och en Schack. Jonny Hectors berattelser fran schackets varld
Description:Lund, Schackstudion, 2023, many bw and color photos in text, heavy paper, 272 pages. 660 grams. Hardcover. Code #11262
Price:Kè 599,-

Author:Hort, Vlastimil
Title: Meine unvergessenen Partien
Description:Plzen, NAVA, 2024, 160 pages, of which is 8 pages with 17 b/w and color photos. 400 grams. Hardcover. Code #10876
Price:Kè 550,-

Author:Hort, Vlastimil
Title: Svet bojovnika
Description:Ceske Budejovice, Petr Koutny / Ing. Eliska Richtrova, 2023, 240 pages. 560 grams. Hardcover. Code #10831
Price:Kè 399,-

Author:Cizek, Antonin
Title: Mikhail Chigorin: Autoportret
Description:No place, Galerie Dolmen, 2017, photos in text, 192p. 270 grams. Softcover. Code #7367
Price:Kè 180,-

Author:Chigorin, M. I.
Title: Shakhmatnaya shkola Mikhaila Chigorina
Description:Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2017, 88p. 120 grams. Paperback. Code #7215
Price:Kè 175,-

Author:Chigorin, M. I.
Title: Shakhmatnoe tvorchestvo. Podarochnoe izdanie
Description:Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2014, photos in text, 456p. 890 grams. Hardcover. Code #535255
Price:Kè 980,-

Author:Chladek, Vlastimil
Title: Vune duse
Description:No place, Prazska sachova spolecnost, 2019, photos in text, 232p. 1,000 grams. Paperback. Code #8350
Price:Kè 360,-

Author:Kalinichenko, Nikolai
Title: Vassily Ivanchuk. 100 pobed genia shakhmat
Description:Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2021, 408p. 620 grams. Hardcover. Code #533128
Price:Kè 499,-

Author:Kozak, Miron
Title: Dva svity Vasylya Ivanchuka
Description:Luck, Volynska oblasna drukarnya, 2019, 260p + 16 pages of color photos, many other bw photos in text. 440 grams. Hardcover. Code #9792
Price:Kè 550,-

Author:Moskalenko, Viktor
Title: Think like Ivanchuk - paperback
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2024, photos in text, 288p. 560 grams. Paperback. Code #11058
Price:Kè 699,-

Author:Izmailov, Nikolai / Marin, Mihail
Title: Petr Izmailov: From Chess Champion of Russia to Enemy of the People. The Truth About My Father
Description:No place, Elk and Ruby, 2021, photos in text, 214p. 350 grams. Paperback. Code #9910
Price:Kè 369,-

Author:Izmailov, Nikolai
Title: Pravda ob ottse
Description:Irkutsk, ALSHIS, 2021, photos in text, 144p. 200 grams. Paperback. Code #10820
Price:Kè 420,-

Author:Jansa, Vlastimil
Title: Vlny a schody
Description:Ceske Budejovice, Petr Koutny / Ing. Eliska Richtrova, 2022, many photos in text, 168p. 430 grams. Hardcover. Code #10829
Price:Kè 300,-

Author:Kamsky, Gata
Title: Gata Kamsky - Chess Gamer. Volume 1: Awakening (1989–1996)
Description:Gent, Thinkers Publishing, 2019, 440p. 820 grams. Paperback. Code #8023
Price:Kè 640,-

Author:Kamsky, Gata
Title: Gata Kamsky - Chess Gamer. Volume 2: Return (2004-2013)
Description:Gent, Thinkers Publishing, 2019, 454p. 860 grams. Paperback. Code #8679
Price:Kè 640,-

Author:Kapengut, Albert
Title: Teoretik, igrok, trener
Description:Moskva, Biblioteka Federatsii shakhmat Rossii, 2024, many photos in text, 496 pages. 800 grams. Hardcover. Code #10841
Price:Kè 780,-

Author:Kalinin, Alexander
Title: Sergey Karjakin. Shkola shakhmatnovo masterstva
Description:Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2020, 256p. 410 grams. Orig. hardcover. Code #8955
Price:Kè 399,-

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