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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Used Books >> Biography

( Keres, P.)  Olde, Hendrik: Paul Keres. Photographs and games.
Tallinn, Demerlen, 1995, 1st edition, portrait, ca 50 photos, 480p. 800 grams. Orig. hardcover. Large 8vo (23-25 cm). Very good / dust jacket not issued. (Four-language preface and all 1944 today known games of Paul Keres, unannotated. Career record, indexes of players and openings. Stock photo). Code #375.
Kè 450,-

( Keres, P.)  Ridala, Esmo: Turniere, Taten und Erfolge.
Berlin, de Gruyter, 1959, 1st edition, portrait, 116, (4)p. 240 grams. Contemporary halfcloth with no lettering. Good to very good. (51 annotated games, index of players, career record, crosstables. Real photo). Code #534738.
Kè 400,-

( Keres, P.)  Ridala, Esmo: Turniere, Taten und Erfolge.
Berlin, de Gruyter, 1986, 2nd edition, portrait, 118p. Orig. hardcover. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (51 annotated games, index of players, career record. Stock photo). Code #501084.
Kè 300,-

( Keres, P.)  Rotova (Rytova), Merike: Mlestusi Paul Keresest.
Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1983, in Estonian, portrait, 184p + 16 unnumbered pages with photos. 320 grams. Orig. hardcover. Fair / Fair. (Stock photo). Code #533579.
Kè 150,-

( Keres, P.)  Rotova (Rytova), Merike: Mlestusi Paul Keresest.
Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1983, in Estonian, portrait, 184p + 16 unnumbered pages with photos. 320 grams. Orig. hardcover. Good / Fair. (Stock photo). Code #533426.
Kè 250,-

( Keres, P.)  Suetin, Alexej: Das Schachgenie Paul Keres.
Berlin, Sportverlag, 1987, 256p. 290 grams. Orig. hardcover. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). Very good / Good. (150 annotated games, German with figurine notation, indexes of players and openings. Stock photo). Code #505538.
Kè 150,-

( Keres, P.)  Suetin, Alexej: Das Schachgenie Paul Keres.
Berlin, Sportverlag, 1987, 256p. 290 grams. Orig. hardcover. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). Very good / missing dust jacket. (150 annotated games, German with figurine notation, indexes of players and openings. Stock photo). Code #523004.
Kè 110,-

( Keres, P.)  Suetin, Alexej: Das Schachgenie Paul Keres.
Berlin, Sportverlag, 1987, 256p. 290 grams. Orig. hardcover. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). Fair / Fair. (150 annotated games, German with figurine notation, indexes of players and openings. Stock photo). Code #525822.
Kè 75,-

( Keres, P.)  Suetin, Alexej: Das Schachgenie Paul Keres.
Berlin, Sportverlag, 1987, 256p. 290 grams. Orig. hardcover. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). Good / Good. (150 annotated games, German with figurine notation, indexes of players and openings. Stock photo). Code #527238.
Kè 120,-

( Keres, P.)  Suetin, Alexej: Das Schachgenie Paul Keres.
Berlin, Sportverlag, 1987, 256p. 290 grams. Orig. hardcover. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). Very good / Very good. (150 annotated games, German with figurine notation, indexes of players and openings. Stock photo). Code #501057.
Kè 180,-

( Khalifman, A.)  Nesis, Gennadi: Alexandr Khalifman.
St. Petersburg, Litera, 2000, portrait, 16 photos, 249 + (7)p. 310 grams. Orig. hardcover. Good to very good / dust jacket not issued. (Chess biography and 93 annotated games of the FIDE World Champion, career record. Stock photo). Code #533819.
Kè 210,-

( Khalifman, A.)  Nesis, Gennadi: Khalifman. Life and Games.
London, Everyman Chess, 2000, 1st edition, 208p. 500 grams. Paperback. Good. (Chess biography and 97 annotated games. Career record, indexes. Stock photo). Code #534505.
Kè 200,-

( Khalifman, A.)  Nesis, Gennadi: Khalifman. Life and Games.
London, Everyman Chess, 2000, 1st edition, 208p. 500 grams. Paperback. Very good. (Chess biography and 97 annotated games. Career record, indexes. Stock photo). Code #503912.
Kè 300,-

( Koblenc, A.)  Koblents, Alexander: Vospominania shakhmatista.
Moskva, FiS, 1986, 1st edition, portrait, 240p. 270 grams. Softcover. Good. (Authors memories, almost no games. Stock photo). Code #501061.
Kè 48,-

( Koblenc, A.)  Koblents, Alexander: Vospominania shakhmatista.
Moskva, FiS, 1986, portrait, 240p. 270 grams. Softcover. Good to very good. (Authors memories, almost no games. Stock photo). Code #1901.
Kè 58,-

( Korchnoi, V.)  Barsky, Vladimir / Bykovsky, Alexandr: Korchnoi protiv shakhmatnykh vnukov.
Moskva, Andrey Elkov, 2012, 1st edition, many photos in text, 304p. 490 grams. Orig. hardcover. 2,500 copies. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (Chess and non-chess life of Viktor Korchnoi during last 15 years, inclusive 25 deeply annotated games. Stock photo). Code #526528.
Kè 330,-

( Korchnoi, V.)  Korchnoi, Viktor: Antishakhmaty: Zapiski zlodeya. Vozvrashchenie nevozvrashchentsa.
Moskva, Computer Press, 1992, 1st edition, 176p + 32 pages with 60 photos. 250 grams. Softcover. 100,000 copies. Fair to good. (Two books in one - 1st Russian edition of Antichess and another autobiographical book. No games. Stock photo). Code #527246.
Kè 115,-

( Korchnoi, V.)  Korchnoi, Viktor: Moi 55 pobed belymi.
Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2004, 1st edition, portrait, 235 + (5)p. 370 grams. Orig. hardcover. Series Velikie shakhmatisty mira (Russian Chess H). 6,000 copies. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (55 Korchnois wins with White pieces from 1949-2003, all games annotated in detail. Indexes of players and openings. Stock photo). Code #529608.
Kè 300,-

( Korchnoi, V.)  Korchnoi, Viktor: Moi 55 pobed chernymi.
Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2004, 1st edition, portrait, 235 + (5)p. 380 grams. Orig. hardcover. Series Velikie shakhmatisty mira (Russian Chess H). 6,000 copies. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (55 Korchnois wins with Black from 1949-2003, all annotated in detail. Indexes of players and openings. Stock photo). Code #525648.
Kè 300,-

( Korchnoi, V.)  Korchnoi, Viktor: Shakhmaty bez poschady.
Moskva, Astrel / AST / Transitkniga, 2006, 1st edition, 416p + 32 unnumbered pages with 54 photos. 460 grams. Orig. hardcover. Series Memuary shakhmatista. 5,000 copies. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (Viktor Korchnois autobiography from his early years up to the prersent with a lot of informations published for the first time. Accompanied by 33 annotated games, indexes, career record. Stock photo). Code #521954.
Kè 300,-

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