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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Knight, Norman / Guy, Will: King, Queen and Knight. A chess anthology in prose and verse.
London and Sydney, Batsford, 1975, 1st edition, XV, (1), 240 pages. 420 grams. Orig. hardcover. Ca 22.5 cm. Very good in Good to very good dust jacket. (Contains 263 fragments from literary works where chess appears. Stock photo). Code #11157.
Kè 580,-

Kochanowski, Jan: Sachy (Poem).
Praha, Odeon, 1979, 56p. 220 grams. Loose sheets in original paper cover. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). Good in good cover. (Stock photo). Code #502232.
Kè 90,-

Kotov, Alexander: Belka v kolese.
Moskva, Molodaya gvardia, 1967, 160p. 140 grams. Softcover. Small 8vo (ca 20 cm). Fair. (Stories. With no games. Stock photo). Code #533829.
Kè 85,-

Krejcik, Josef: 13 detey Caissy (shakhmatnye yumoreski).
Moskva, Sovremennye problemy, 1926, 1st edition, 100, (4)p. 180 grams. Later binding with no lettering, both front and rear wrappers pasted on covers. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). 3,000 copies. Fair: covers a little soiled. The endpapers have apparently been replaced by new ones. The title page is repaired with paper tape at the top. Signature of two previous owners on title page. Some leaves are repaired with paper tape. (2xx real photo). LN 4667. Sa 888. SA 1716. Code #11152.
Kè 1200,-

Krejcik, Josef: 13 detey Caissy (shakhmatnye yumoreski).
Moskva, Sovremennye problemy, 1926, 1st edition, 100, (4)p. 100 grams. Softcover. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). 3,000 copies. Fair: cover stained, spine missing ca 0.5 cm at the top and bottom. Light trace after illegible Russian stamp on front cover and on title. A piece of paper ca 5.5 x 4.5 cm pasted on rear cover (picture 3). Title page somewhat foxed. Light/some foxing throughout. Some notes in old pencil on inner covers. Text with no writings. (3x real photo). LN 4667. Sa 888. SA 1716. Code #8162.
Kè 1200,-

Krejcik, Josef: 13 Kinder Caissens.
Wien, Wiener Schachzeitung, 1924, 1st edition, portrait (Josef Krejcik), 60p. 100 grams. Softcover. Fair to good. (13 humorous chess stories. 2x stock photo). LN 4666. Code #533103.
Kè 580,-

Krejcik, Josef: Artige und unartige Kinder der Schachmuse.
Berlin, Edition Marco, 1925, reprint of the 1925 edition, 64p. 100 grams. Softcover. Good to very good. (Stock photo). Code #532453.
Kè 225,-

Krogius, Nikolai: O psichologii shakhmatnovo tvorchestva.
Moskva, FiS, 1969, 1st edition, 96p. 110 grams. Softcover. 30,000 copies. Good. (Stock photo). Code #531908.
Kè 40,-

Krogius, Nikolai: Psichologia shakhmatnovo tvorchestva.
Moskva, FiS, 1981, 184p. 180 grams. Softcover. Good. (Stock photo). Code #521147.
Kè 15,-

Krogius, Nikolai: Psichologicheskaia podgotovka shakhmatista.
Moskva, FiS, 1975, 1st edition, 128p. 150 grams. Softcover. Fair. (Stock photo). Code #525802.
Kè 10,-

Krogius, Nikolai: Psichologicheskaia podgotovka shakhmatista.
Moskva, FiS, 1975, 1st edition, 128p. 150 grams. Softcover. Good. (Stock photo). Code #500657.
Kè 20,-

Krogius, Nikolai: Psichologicheskaia podgotovka shakhmatista.
Moskva, FiS, 1975, 1st edition, 128p. 150 grams. Softcover. Very good. (Stock photo). Code #2118.
Kè 30,-

Krogius, Nikolai: Psychologie im Schach.
Berlin, Sportverlag, 1983, 232p. 270 grams. Orig. hardcover. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Very good / Very good. (Stock photo). Code #520658.
Kè 120,-

Krystufek, Peter ea : Das flambierte Schachspiel und andere satirische Geschichten.
Hollfeld, Beyer, no date, photos in text, 120p. Wrs. Very good. (Stock photo). Code #523222.
Kè 200,-

Lanc, Alois ea : Spartakiadni sachovy festival pionyru a mladeze 1979.
Praha, 1979, 1st edition, photos in text, 56, (8)p. 100 grams. Softcover. Good. (Program, some articles etc. Stock photo). Code #530702.
Kè 20,-

Lasker, Emanuel: Brettspiele der Voelker.
Berlin, Scherl, (1931), 1st edition, V, (3), 251, (5) pages. 630 grams. Orig. hardcover. Good to VG / missing dust jacket: binding a little soiled, light signs of use, internally OK. (Stock photo). LN 3633. Code #4922.
Kè 1000,-

Lasker, Emanuel: Nastolnye igry i matematicheskie zadachi.
Moskva, Chelovek, 2014, 260p. 320 grams. Paperback. 1,000 copies. Good to very good. (Stock photo). Code #532979.
Kè 330,-

Leoncini, Mario: Aneddoti di Scacchi.
Brescia, Messaggerie scacchistice, 2003, 94, (2)p. 140 grams. Softcover. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Very good. (Stock photo). Code #503880.
Kè 180,-

Liebing ea : Taschenbuch.
Berlin, Deutscher Schachverband, 1960, photos, 320p. Wrs. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Good. Code #501525.
Kè 140,-

Lobatch, Pavel / Pogonina, Elena: Shakhmaty i psichologia.
Saratov, Nauka, 2014, 124p. 170 grams. Softcover. Very good. (Stock photo). Code #529977.
Kè 240,-

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