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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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New Books >> Tournaments, Matches

Author:Foreest, Arnold van
Title: Der Internationale Schachkongress zu Amsterdam im August 1889
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 2000, 101p. 300 grams. Hardcover. Code #810
Price:Kè 320,-

Author:Fiala, Vlastimil
Title: NYSCA Meeting, Skaneateles 1895
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 2022, photos and illustrations in text, 88p. 150 grams. Paperback. Code #10326
Price:Kè 220,-

Author:Maroczy, Geza
Title: Mezhdunarodny shakhmatny turnir v Budapeste 1896g
Description:Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2015, 192p. 350 grams. Hardcover. Code #6624
Price:Kè 399,-

Author:Fiala, Vlastimil
Title: 11th German Chess Association Congress Cologne 1898
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 1997, 13 plates, 264p. 470 grams. Hardcover. Code #399
Price:Kè 750,-

Author:Meijer, H. D. B.
Title: Internationale Schaakwedstrijd. Hoofdklasse gehouden van 7-16 Augustus te Amsterdam 1899
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, no date, (4), 106p. 300 grams. Hardcover. Code #3328
Price:Kè 320,-

Title: The Book of the London International Chess Congress 1899
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, no date, LII + 232p. 520 grams. Hardcover. Code #6552
Price:Kè 580,-

Author:Gillam, Anthony
Title: Tournaments of 1900 and 1901
Description:Nottingham, The Chess Player, 2012, 64p. 110 grams. Stapled booklet in plastic sleeve. Code #7738
Price:Kè 250,-

Author:Fiala, Vlastimil
Title: (ch) Manhattan Chess Club, October 26 - December 7, 1901
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, 2022, photos and illustrations in text, 64p. 110 grams. Paperback. Code #10327
Price:Kè 168,-

Author:Meijer, H. D. B.
Title: Derde Internationale Schaakwedstrijd. Hoofdklasse gehouden van 3-13 Augustus te Hilversum 1903
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, no date, (10), 116p. 340 grams. Hardcover. Code #4847
Price:Kè 320,-

Author:Sherwood, Robert ea
Title: Cambridge Springs 1904 (pre-order, contemporarily sold out, expected in January 2024)
Description:Milford, Russell Enterprises, 2022, 400 pages. 700 grams. Hardcover. All pre-orders will be paid later when your order is closed, not now. Code #10402
Price:Kè 799,-

Author:Meijer, H. D. B.
Title: Vierde Internationale Schaakwedstrijd. Hoofdklasse gehouden van 1-10 Augustus te Scheveningen 1905
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, no date, (10), 94p. 300 grams. Hardcover. Code #4978
Price:Kè 320,-

Author:Tarrasch, Siegbert
Title: Mezhdunarodnye shakhmatnye turniry v Ostende (1907) i Sankt-Peterburge (1914). Turniry chempionov
Description:Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2020, 336p. 550 grams. Hardcover. Code #9097
Price:Kè 425,-

Author:Lasker, Emanuel
Title: Petrohrad 1909
Description:No place, Galerie Dolmen, 2018, 152p. 210 grams. Softcover. Code #7982
Price:Kè 125,-

Author:Irons, Robert
Title: San Sebastian 1911 - hardcover
Description:Milford, Russell Enterprises, 2024, photos in text, 272 pages. 530 grams. Hardcover. Code #11068
Price:Kè 825,-

Author:Weisfelt, S. W.
Title: Ter Herdenking aan het veertigjarig Bestaan van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond 1873-1913
Description:Olomouc, Moravian Chess, no date, XII, 108p. Boards. Tournament book Scheveningen 1913. Code #4979
Price:Kè 320,-

Author:Gillam, Anthony
Title: New York 1915
Description:Nottingham, The Chess Player, 2010, photos in text, 68p. 110 grams. Stapled booklet in plastic sleeve. Code #7876
Price:Kè 260,-

Author:Gillam, Anthony
Title: Tournaments of 1916
Description:Nottingham, The Chess Player, 2017, 68p. 110 grams. Stapled booklet in plastic sleeve. Code #7423
Price:Kè 299,-

Author:Gillam, Anthony
Title: Tournaments of 1917
Description:Nottingham, The Chess Player, 2017, 68p. 110 grams. Stapled booklet in plastic sleeve. Code #7475
Price:Kè 299,-

Author:Gillam, Anthony
Title: Tournaments of 1918 and 1919
Description:Nottingham, The Chess Player, 2017, 68p. 110 grams. Stapled booklet in plastic sleeve. Code #7552
Price:Kè 299,-

Author:Gillam, Anthony
Title: Tournaments of 1919
Description:Nottingham, The Chess Player, 2012, 52p. 100 grams. Stapled booklet in plastic sleeve. Code #7735
Price:Kè 260,-

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