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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Used Books >> General Works

DCosta, Lorin: Who Dares Wins! Attacking the King on Opposite Sides.
London, Everyman Chess, 2010, 1st edition, 192p. 320 grams. Paperback. Ca 23 cm. Very good. (Stock photo). Code #532597.
Kè 250,-

Delega, Tomasz / Puchalski, Dariusz: Strategia 64 pol w biznesie.
Warszawa, D2invest, 2015, 100, (2)p. Softcover. Very good. (Connection between chess and business, with no games. Stock photo). Code #7355.
Kè 195,-

Dobrinetskyy, Pavlo: Konkurs ferzya.
Novograd-Volynskyy, NOVOgrad, 2012, 104p. 150 grams. Softcover. Series Shkola shakhovoy taktyky. Very good. (540 diagrams with separate solutions, with Queen in the main role, for beginners and pre-intermediate. Series Shkola shakhovoy taktyky 2. Stock photo). Code #534774.
Kè 180,-

Dobrinetskyy, Pavlo: Konkurs kombinatsiy.
Novograd-Volynskyy, NOVOgrad, 2012, 124p. 180 grams. Softcover. Series Shkola shakhovoy taktyky. Very good. (630 diagrams with separate solutions, for beginners and pre-intermediate. Series Shkola shakhovoy taktyky 1. Stock photo). Code #522182.
Kè 200,-

Dobrinetskyy, Pavlo: Otvlechenie, Zavlechenie, Dvoynoy shakh / Deflection, Decoying, Double check / Ablenkung, Hinlenkung, Doppelschach.
Novograd-Volynskiy, NOVOgrad, 2014, three-language text with figurine notation, 96p. 110 grams. Softcover. 1,000 copies. Very good. (300+ diagrammed examples with solutions for players with rating ca 1800-2000. Stock photo). Code #7359.
Kè 125,-

Dorfman, Iosif: Metod v shakhmatakh: Dinamika i statika.
Charkov, Fakt, 2007, 1st edition, 240p. 440 grams. Orig. hardcover. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (Stock photo). Code #526013.
Kè 300,-

Dorfman, Iosif: Metod v shakhmatakh: Kriticheskie pozitsii.
Charkov, Fakt, 2007, 1st Russian edition, 196p + 16 plates with 25 color and bw photos. 410 grams. Orig. hardcover. Good / dust jacket not issued. (Stock photo). Code #522706.
Kè 200,-

Dorfman, Iosif: Metod v shakhmatakh: Kriticheskie pozitsii.
Charkov, Fakt, 2007, 1st edition, 196p + 16 plates with 25 color and bw photos. 410 grams. Orig. hardcover. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (Stock photo). Code #533343.
Kè 300,-

Dorofeyeva, Anna: Shakhmatnaya lesenka.
Moskva, Anna Dorofeyeva, 2012, 100s. 120 grams. Softcover. Series Bibliotechka shakhmatista (1960-1990). Very good. (Stock photo). Code #533802.
Kè 150,-

du Mont, Julius: The Elements of Chess.
London, Bell, 1956, revised edition, VIII, 136p. 240 grams. Orig. hardcover. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). Good / Good. Stock photo). Betts 10-228. Code #533113.
Kè 300,-

Dufresne, Jean / Mieses, Jacques: Das Buch der Schachmeisterpartien I + II + III (3 volumes in one book).
Leipzig, Reclam, (1889) + (1900 + (1906), all 1st edition, 204 + 188 + 184p. Contemporary plain Nhfcloth. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Fair to poor. (74 + 80 + 71 annotated games, indexes in the end). LN 3173-3174. Code #527491.
Kè 400,-

Dufresne, Jean: Kleines Lehrbuch des Schachspiels.
Leipzig, Reclam, (1901), 7th edition, 536p. 270 grams. Orig. light brown hardcover. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Good / dust jacket not issued. (Stock photo). LN 1004. Code #532176.
Kè 360,-

Dufresne, Jean: Kleines Lehrbuch des Schachspiels.
Leipzig, Reclam, (1910), 8th edition, 536 + (16)p. Blue Ocloth. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Good / not issued. (Stock photo). LN 1005. Code #504030.
Kè 230,-

Dufresne, Jean: Kleines Lehrbuch des Schachspiels.
Leipzig, Reclam, (1910), 8th edition, 536p. Orig. blue hardcover. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Fair / dust jacket not issued. (Stock photo). LN 1005. Code #525426.
Kè 130,-

Dufresne, Jean: Kleines Lehrbuch des Schachspiels.
Leipzig, Reclam, (1916), 9th edition, 544p. 320 grams. Modern cloth, spine lettered. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Good. LN 1006. Code #533208.
Kè 100,-

Dufresne, Jean: Kleines Lehrbuch des Schachspiels.
Leipzig, Reclam, 1892, 6th edition, 564p. Contemp. plain halfcloth. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Fair. LN 1003. Code #528215.
Kè 180,-

Dufresne, Jean: Kleines Lehrbuch des Schachspiels.
Leipzig, Reclam, 1892, 6th edition, 564, (4)p. Contemporary halfcloth with no lettering. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Poor. LN 1003. Code #528645.
Kè 80,-

Dufresne, Jean: Kleines Lehrbuch des Schachspiels.
Leipzig, Reclam, 1901, 7th edition, 536p. 300 grams. Contemporary binding, spine lettered. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Good. LN 1004. Code #533209.
Kè 270,-

Dufresne, Jean: Kleines Lehrbuch des Schachspiels.
Leipzig, Reclam, 1901, 7th edition, 536p. 300 grams. Contemporary binding with no lettering. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Fair to good. LN 1004. Code #1557.
Kè 190,-

Dufresne, Jean: Kleines Lehrbuch des Schachspiels.
Leipzig, Reclam, 1901, 7th edition, 536p. Softcover. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). Poor, missing rear cover. LN 1004. Code #528216.
Kè 50,-

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