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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Used Books >> Biography

( Ilyin-Zhenevsky, A.)  Ilyin-Zhenevsky, Alexander: Notes of a Soviet Master.
Yorklyn, Caissa Editions, 1986, 1st edition, 54p. 300 grams. Orig. hardcover. Large 8vo (23-25 cm). Series Caissa Limited Editions. Fine, like new / dust jacket not issued. (Genevskys 1929 book Zapiski sovietskovo mastera translated by Bernard Cafferty. With selections of Genevskys games - 49 annoated + his well-known win against Capablanca from Moscow 1925 annotated in detail. Indexes. Caissa Limited Editions, volume 5. Stock photo). Code #505806.
Kè 480,-

( Ivanchuk, V.)  Kalinichenko, Nikolai: Vassily Ivanchuk. 100 Selected Games.
Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2013, 1st edition in English, photos in text, 320p. 600 grams. Paperback. Large 8vo (23-25 cm). Very good. (Stock photo). Code #527877.
Kè 480,-

( Izmailov, P.)  Izmailov, Nikolai: Pravda ob ottse.
Irkutsk, ALSHIS, 2021, 1st edition, photos in text, 144p. 200 grams. Paperback. Very good. (Petr (Pyotr) Izmailov, 1906-1937, around 1930 one of the best Soviet players. In 1928 he became the Russian champion. The book, published in a small edition - allegedly 100 copies, but this is not stated in the book - contains a biography, games, fragments of games, tables of tournaments. Stock photo). Code #535082.
Kè 340,-

( Jansa, Vlastimil)  Jansa, Vlastimil: Vlny a schody.
Ceske Budejovice, Petr Koutny / Ing. Eliska Richtrova, 2022, 1st edition, many photos in text, 168p. 430 grams. Orig. hardcover. Large 8vo (23-25 cm). 2,500 copies. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (Author's reminiscences and about 50 selected annotated games, about half of which are the games of GM Jansa himself. Stock photo). Code #11269.
Kè 200,-

( Kamsky, G.)  Kamsky, Gata: Gata Kamsky - Chess Gamer. Volume 1: Awakening (1989–1996).
Gent, Thinkers Publishing, 2019, 1st edition, 440p. 820 grams. Paperback. Large 8vo (23-25 cm). Very good. (22 deeply annotated games from Kamsky's first chess period, 1989-1996. 2x stock photo). Code #534557.
Kè 500,-

( Kamsky, G.)  Kamsky, Gata: Gata Kamsky - Chess Gamer. Volume 2: Return (2004-2013).
Gent, Thinkers Publishing, 2019, 1st edition, 454p. 860 grams. Paperback. Large 8vo (23-25 cm). Very good. (22 deeply annotated games from Kamsky's second chess period, 2004 and later, when he returned to chess after an eight-year break. 2x stock photo). Code #532602.
Kè 500,-

( Kan, I.)  Kan, Ilya: Shakhmatnye vstretchi.
Moskva, FiS, 1962, 144p. 140 grams. Softcover. 20,000 copies. Good. (Authors memories and 68 annotated games from 1927-56. Stock photo). Sa 423. Code #1881.
Kè 200,-

( Karpov, A.)  : Karpov jatszik 1151-1509.
Budapest, Levelezesi sakkhirado, no date (ca 1975), 76p. 110 grams. Softcover. Good. (359 games of A. Karpov from 1965-1974, figurine notation, no annotations, index, ordered by openings. Stock photo). Code #535007.
Kè 50,-

( Karpov, A.)  Karpov, Anatoli: A zavtra snova v boj.
Moskva, Molodaya gvardia, 1982, 1st edition, 16 plates, 240p. 200 grams. Softcover. 16mo (15-17.5 cm). 100,000 copies. Good. (Chess and life autobiography, no games. Stock photo). Code #502711.
Kè 40,-

( Karpov, A.)  Karpov, Anatoli / Roshal, Alexander: Devyataya vertikal.
Moskva, Molodaya gvardia, 1978, 1st edition, 32 plates, 304p. 400 grams. Orig. hardcover. Fair / dust jacket not issued. (Chess autobiography and 13 in detail annotated games. Career record. Stock photo). Code #529654.
Kè 18,-

( Karpov, A.)  Karpov, Anatoli / Roshal, Alexander: Devyataya vertikal.
Moskva, Molodaya gvardia, 1978, 1st edition, 32 plates, 304p. 400 grams. Orig. hardcover. Good / dust jacket not issued. (Chess autobiography and 13 in detail annotated games. Career record. Stock photo). Code #501046.
Kè 30,-

( Karpov, A.)  Karpov, Anatoli / Roshal, Alexander: Devyataya vertikal.
Moskva, Molodaya gvardia, 1979, 2nd enlarged edition, 32 plates, 320p. 410 grams. Orig. hardcover. Good / dust jacket not issued. (Chess autobiography and 17 in detail annotated games. Career record. Stock photo). Code #501048.
Kè 40,-

( Karpov, A.)  Karpov, Anatoli: Droga do mistrzostwa.
Warszawa, Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1988, 308, (4) pages + 24 unnumbered pages with photos. 300 grams. Paperback. Good. (Stock photo). Code #531308.
Kè 120,-

( Karpov, A.)  Karpov, Anatoli: Droga do mistrzostwa.
Warszawa, Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1988, 308, (4) pages + 24 unnumbered pages with photos. 300 grams. Paperback. Fair. (Stock photo). Code #532634.
Kè 75,-

( Karpov, A.)  Karpov, Anatoli: Parties choises 1969-1979.
Moskva, Progress, 1981, portrait, 32 plates, 264p. 400 grams. Orig. hardcover. Good to VG / dust jacket not issued. (61 annotated games, indexes, career record. In French. Stock photo). Code #520506.
Kè 150,-

( Karpov, A.)  Karpov, Anatoli: Sestra moya Caissa.
Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2014, 1st edition in Russia, 320p. 420 grams. Orig. hardcover. Series Zhivye shakhmaty. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (Autobiography and memories of Anatoli Karpov, with no games. Stock photo). Code #528761.
Kè 290,-

( Karpov, A.)  Karpov, Anatoli: Vybrane partie 1969-1977.
Bratislava, Sport, 1980, photos in text, 256p. 320 grams. Softcover. 2,000 copies. Fair. (50 annotated games, indexes, career record. Stock photo). Code #505932.
Kè 36,-

(2021, ( Karpov, A.)  Karpov, Anatoli: Zhizn i shakhmaty. Moya avtobiografia.
Moskva, Eksmo, 2022, 1st edition, 512 pages + 16 pages with photos. 660 grams. Orig. hardcover. Ca 22 cm. Very good / dust jacket not issued. (Autobiography, with no games. 3x stock photo). Code #534417.
Kè 600,-

( Karpov, A.)  O'Connell, Kevin / Adams, Jimmy: The Games of Anatoly Karpov.
London, Batsford, 1974, 1st edition, XIV, 352p + 8 unnumbered pages with photos. 570 grams. Orig. hardcover. Ca 22.5 cm. Very good / Very good. (347 games, most annotated, indexes, crosstables, career record. Stock photo). Code #530030.
Kè 390,-

( Karpov, A.)  Roshal, Alexander / Karpov, Anatoli: Schach mit Karpov.
Reinbek bei Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1978, 146 + (10)p. 120 grams. Softcover. 12mo (17.5-20 cm). Fair to good. (Stock photo). Code #521492.
Kè 64,-

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